About Us
SLM is a well-liked brand name and has become a part of almost all households. C L Products India Ltd. has been manufacturing and exporting SLM products for 35 long years. Not just domestic markets, we have been able to crash the overseas market plus. SLM is the perfect amalgamation of tradition and modernity. SLM has its roots in ancient traditions, and at the same time, it adapts itself flawlessly to modern requirements and expectations. We are a symbol of quality, purity, and authenticity.

What Sets Us Apart from the Rest of the Brands?
Products That We Offer to Our Esteemed Consumers

Proof of Quality
SLM is esteemed certification of the Iso 9001-2000 Quality Products Certificate. You will be glad to know that we have registrations under the EOU and SSI unit of the Indian Government. We are active members of the Spices Board. It checks each of our spice consignment. We use the cryogenic grinding procedure. It means that we grind the spices below the temperature of 0 degrees. This technique helps in retaining the goodness of Indian spices. We are fully popular among FDA and countries like the USA and UK. We also have the registered membership of FICCI, Agmark, EPCH, for the last 8-10 years. Our zeal and endeavor to come up with the best have always encouraged us to work hard and deliver the best results. We have laid the pillars of progressive policies that hold our brand firmly. Our well-equipped, advanced laboratories help in the research and development process. After extensive research, we formulations that lead to the successful production of multiple products. Not only this, but our manufacturing units also reduce dependence on third parties and provide us all the autonomy over productivity. SLM is not just a brand. Over the years, it has become the hallmark of authenticity and purity. Consumers have blind faith in our products. We have toiled hard day and night to reach this position. SLM does not want to stop here. Rather, we are working every day towards spreading our brand name far and wide. Over the years, we have garnered lots of recognition, accolades, and praise. Not just our staff and network, but Indian homemakers, too, have played a great role in popularizing our brand. We will always remain indebted to those umpteen numbers of women, ladies, wives, and girls who have used, accepted, and complimented our products. You are our real advertisers. We owe all our success, name, and fame to you only. SLM promises to adhere to its standard no matter comes what. We will always serve the best to our consumers in every situation.